Create a new secret provider
The secret providers are configured during the initial application build-up in the Program.cs
using Microsoft.Extensions.Hosting;
public class Program
public static void Main(string[] args)
public static IHostBuilder CreateHostBuilder(string[] args)
return Host.CreateDefaultBuilder(args)
.ConfigureSecretStore((context, config, builder) =>
.ConfigureWebHostDefaults(webBuilder => webBuilder.UseStartup<Startup>());
This section describes how a new secret store source can be added to the pipeline.
Developing a secret provider
Install the NuGet package
. -
Implement your own implementation of the
ex:using Arcus.Security.Core;
namespace Application.Security.CustomProviders
public class RegistrySecretProvider : ISecretProvider
public Task<string> GetRawSecretAsync(string secretName)
object value = Registry.LocalMachine.GetValue(secretName);
return Task.FromResult(value?.ToString());
public async Task<Secret> GetSecretAsync(string secretName)
string secretValue = await GetRawSecretAsync(secretName);
return new Secret(secretValue);
} -
Optionally, you can provide an extension for a consumer-friendly way to add the provider. ex:
namespace Microsoft.Extensions.Hosting
public static class SecretStoreBuilderExtensions
public static SecretStoreBuilder AddRegistry(this SecretStoreBuilder builder)
var provider = new RegistrySecretProvider();
return builder.AddProvider(provider);
}And in the
:.ConfigureSecretStore((context, config, builder) =>
})Or, you can use your provider directly.
.ConfigureSecretStore((context, config, builder) =>
var provider = new RegistrySecretProvider();
}) -
Now, the secret source is available in the resulting
registered in the dependency injection container. ex:using Arcus.Security.Core;
namespace Application.Controllers
public class OrderController : ControllerBase
public class OrderController(ISecretProvider secretProvider)
} -
Note that when your secret provider requires caching, you can wrap the provider in a
at registration: ex:using Arcus.Security.Core.Caching;
namespace Microsoft.Extensions.Hosting
public static class SecretStoreBuilderExtensions
public static SecretStoreBuilder AddCachedRegistry(this SecretStoreBuilder builder)
var provider = new RegistrySecretProvider();
var configuration = new CacheConfiguration(TimeSpan.FromSeconds(5));
return builder.AddProvider(new CachedSecretProvider(provider, configuration));
}When accessing the provider in the application, you can use the
to have access to the cache-specific methods. ex:using Arcus.Security.Core.Caching;
namespace Application.Controllers
public class OrderController : ControllerBase
public class OrderController(ICachedSecretProvider secretProvider)
Contribute your secret provider
We are open for contributions and are more than happy to receive pull requests with new secret providers!